
Military Challenge Coins: Ranking and Explanation

Have you ever wondered how military challenge coins are ranked? Wonder no more! Here’s a comprehensive explanation of the rankings for these unique symbols of honor and camaraderie.

Legend has it that military challenge coins were initially used as a form of identification by an elite flying squad during World War I. However, it wasn’t until the Vietnam War that challenge coins really took off in popularity. Since then, their appeal has grown, and they’ve become integral to a fun and challenging tradition.

But what exactly is a challenge coin? The ‘challenge’ lies in being able to present your coin whenever a fellow member requests a coin check. If you can’t produce your coin, the drinks are on you! However, to determine whose coin is best, there are established challenge coin rankings that players must follow. Let’s dive into where your military challenge coins might rank.

Military Challenge Coins Rankings


The following ranking system helps decide the winner in a coin check:

Medal of Honor Recipient Coins

Receiving a challenge coin from a Medal of Honor recipient is the highest honor. These coins are incredibly rare and hold immense value. If you’re lucky enough to shake the hand of a true American hero and receive one of these coins, you’ll never have to buy a round in a coin check. Just remember to always keep it with you!


Military School Coins

Military school graduates often receive a challenge coin alongside their diploma. These coins hold second place in the ranking system due to the significant effort required to earn one. They provide a sense of honor and membership, making them a cherished memento of an important milestone.


General Officer Coins

General officers often commission their own challenge coins to distribute among their troops. Given the higher pay grade of generals compared to captains, these coins are usually of higher quality. The difficulty of obtaining one of these coins varies, as some generals distribute them freely while others reserve them for outstanding achievements.


Unit Coins

Unit commanders can commission coins bearing their unit’s insignia to award to deserving troops. Unit coins are sub-ranked into several categories:

  • Branch Coins
  • Divisional Coins
  • Brigade Coins
  • Battalion Coins

Unit coins rank fourth in the hierarchy due to their commonality. However, their significance lies in the pride and unity they symbolize within the unit.

Promotional Coins

Some companies commission branded military coins to spread brand recognition among troops and veterans. Promotional coins are valid only if they come from a military-related company or are distributed during a military event or installation.


Exceptions to Challenge Coin Rankings

While a Medal of Honor challenge coin is unbeatable, there is some flexibility with other rankings if the group agrees the coin meets specific criteria:

Best Design

A coin with an exceptional design can outrank its category. For instance, a uniquely crafted unit coin might beat a less inspiring military school coin. The aesthetic and craftsmanship of a coin can significantly impact its perceived value.


Best Backstory

Every challenge coin tells a story. A coin with an impressive or meaningful backstory can surpass a higher-ranked coin. The narrative behind the coin adds to its allure and prestige.

How to Rank Military Challenge Coins

Now that you know the hierarchy of military challenge coins, you’re better equipped to avoid buying drinks at your next coin check! Understanding these rankings can enhance the fun and competitive spirit of the tradition.

If you’re interested in commissioning your own challenge coins, check out our ordering guide or contact us for a price quote. Celebrate your achievements and commemorate special moments with a custom-designed challenge coin that tells your unique story.

Picture of Ella


Hi, I'm Ella, the funder of blythepin.com. I've been running a factory in China that makes pins, medal, coins, bottle opener, keychains, etc. for over 20 years now, and this article aims to share with you the knowledge related to metal craft from a China'suppler's perspective.


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